Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Special meeting Tuesday August 31, 2021 12:00pm
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 12:10pm.
The Pledge was led by Randy Fisher.
II. Present: Richard Porter, Randy Fisher, Scott Fredrick, Janet Cuatt
Absent: Stephanie Craig, Hayley England
Audience: Catherine Kaufman, Sarah Mills, Kathy Weaver, Wayne Weaver, Tom Frank.
III. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy Fisher to accept the agenda as written. Scott Fredrick seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Richard Porter, Randy Fisher, Scott Fredrick. The motion passed.
IV. Public hearing on PA 328 application for Savion: Richard Porter reviewed the status and details of the application for Savion. Richard Porter asked if there were any public comments. There were no public comments. The public hearing was closed 12:14.
V. New Business
1. Vote on Resolution 2021-08 approving new personal property exemption application for Savion Calhoun County Solar Project. Dick Porter explained this is same as the resolution for Ranger. There were no questions or concerns. A motion was made by Scott Fredrick to approve the resolution to approve the personal property exemption application for Savion Solar project. Randy Fisher seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Richard Porter, Randy Fisher, Scott Fredrick. Absent: Stephanie Craig and Hayley England. The motion passed.
2. Approve new personal property exemption agreement per PA 328. Richard Porter asked the board to review the application/agreement in the packet. He pointed out it is the same exemption previously approved for Ranger Powers project, requiring municipality to enter into the agreement. Randy Fisher made a motion to approve the property exemption agreement. Scott Fredrick seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Richard Porter, Randy Fisher, Scott Fredrick. Absent: Stephanie Craig and Hayley England. The motion passed.
VI. Adjourn: A motion was made by Randy Fisher, seconded by Scott Fredrick at 12:17pm. Roll call vote: Richard Porter, Randy Fisher, Scott Fredrick. Absent: Stephanie Craig and Hayley England. The motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Cuatt