Sheridan Township Board of Trustee’s
January 15, 2019
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Richard Porter @ 7:00 p.m.
Pledge: The pledge was given by Trustee Randy Fisher.
Present: Roll call Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Shanna Pollman, Brenda Heisler, and Richard Porter.
Absent: None
Audience: County Commissioner Gary Tompkins, Doug Pollman, Albion Public Library Director Cindy Stanczak, Chief Lance Lohrke.
Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Shanna Pollman to approve the agenda with the amended to include Mileage change. The motion carried.
Minutes: Stand as written a motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick. The motion carried. Special Board minutes from December 11, 2018 stand as written a motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Randy Fisher. The motion carried.
Bills: A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Shanna Pollman, to pay the bills. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Brenda Heisler, Richard Porter, Shanna Pollman, and Scott Frederick. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Investment Report: Were accepted as written.
Correspondence: -A Thank you note from Ken Vogt a retired Trustee who has retired was read.
-The 425 papers were signed and returned to the City of Albion with a promise of a check.
Planning Committee: Scott Frederick said there was nothing from the Planning Committee or the Road Committee to report.
Fire Department: -Fire Chief Lance Lohrke see his attached report.
-On December 9, 2018 the Fire Department received the “Jaws for Life”.
-As of January 15, 2019 we are now running medicals.
Public Comment: -County Commissioner Gary Tompkins said there are two new County Commissioners.
-New officers for County Commissioner Chairman Steve Frisbie, and Vice Chairman Kathy Vette and Parliamentarian Commissioner Gary Tompkins.
-Commissioner Tompkins talked about the money being spent, 19 million for Sheriff (Public Safety).
-Commissioner Tompkins said that being there and listening is the major part of his job and he is available anytime.
-Commissioner Tompkins also talked of the 5 year plan and not getting it.
-Albion Public Library Director Cindy Stanczak reported that the new elevator project is now going forward opening March 17, 2019.
-The library is 100 years young.
Unfinished Business: -Consumers Energy’s Replacement plan for the lights throughout the Township at a cost of $18,000.00 was discussed and a motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Randy Fisher to drop this. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Brenda Heisler, Shanna Pollman, Scott Frederick, and Richard Porter. The motion carried.
-The Fee schedule was tabled.
-A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Randy Fisher to accept the Poverty Guidelines. The motion carried.
-The General Policy of Employee Handbook is to be reviewed and brought back for the February meeting.
New Business: - A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Shanna Pollman to allow the Zoning and Code Administrator to put all files on the Cloud. The motion carried.
-Supervisor Richard Porter reported that 25 hundred acres are on lease by the Solar Companies of Ranger Power and Trade Winds.
-An open house is being planned for an introduction of Solar Power at the Alternative School with a sample of a Solar Panel on site.
-A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick to approve the Consumers Energy Resolution 2019-01. Roll call vote – Yes – Randy Fisher, Richard Porter, Shanna Pollman, Scott Frederick, and Brenda Heisler. The motion carried.
-A drop box for the Treasurer was discussed, and was tabled until having up to date prices.
-A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick to close on January 21, and February 18, 2019. The motion carried.
-The Road Millage booklet was discussed; we need 1,200 copies to be stuffed with the assessments that will be sent out in February. A motion was made by Brenda Heisler, 2nd by Scott Frederick to give the job to Sally Jackson with a minimum of 1,500 for a price of $180.00. The motion carried.
-A motion was made to change the Mileage rate from $.55 cents to $.58 cents per mile by Scott Frederick, 2nd Randy Fisher. The motion carried.
Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Randy Fisher @8:24 p.m. The motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Brenda Heisler, Secretary