Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting
July 16, 2024
7:00 pm
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 7:00 pm.
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag of the United States: Led by Rusty Smith.
Present: Richard Porter, Scott Frederick, Rusty Smith, Hayley England, and Stephanie Craig.
Absent: None
II. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Sott to accept the agenda as written. All in favor, the motion passed.
III. Approval of previous township board minutes. A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the June 18th meeting minutes as presented. All in favor, the motion passed.
IV. Payment of Bills: A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to approve the payment of bills. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
V. Treasurers Report: A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
VI. Correspondence: None
VII. Committee Reports:
Planning Commission/Roads - Scott Frederick. There has not been a Planning meeting since the last Board meeting so no update. No current update on roads except that 27 1/2 road will be completed this year. The trees on this road might need to be trimmed as well.
Fire - Chief Lance Lohrke. Chief goes over his report for June. Training for June covered water rescue and boom deployment.
Deputy - Jack Williamson. Deputy Williamson presents his report for June.
Fire Station update - Rusty Smith. Rusty goes over what has been done to date. This will be the last update. The Fire Station is now completed, and the paperwork has been sent in.
VIII. Public Comment: Bradley Mapes asks questions about the solar array proposed near his property. He also mentions corrections that need to be addressed with the Planning Commission. Gary Tompkins is running for Calhoun County Commissioner and gives a campaign speech. Alex Harris is running for 44th district State Representative in August and gives a campaign speech. Megan Wilson lives on 29 mile Rd and asks why the City sent her a letter trying to buy her property.
IX. Unfinished Business: A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to host an open house for the new Fire Station on August 10 from 2-6; the township will supply light refreshments. Roll call vote. All in favor; the motion passed.
X. New Business
1. Present 425 update to Board by Seth Koches. Seth explains what a 425 agreement is, and the 425 items that are currently being discussed at the Township. This is a very preliminary discussion about this topic.
2. Present 2024 tax rates. A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to approve the tax rates for 2024. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
3. Resolution 2024-17 approve Township Policy Manual. Employees will need to read and initial the policy manual. A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to approve Resolution 2024-17 for the Township Policy Manual. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
4. Present insurance update. The clerk gives an update on the insurance policy renewal. A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to move to Plan 1 with Provident. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
5. Accept Harold Badger's resignation. A motion was made by Rusty, 2nd by Scott to accept Harold Badger’s resignation dated July 9, 2024. All in favor; the motion passed
6. August 20, 2024, meeting. A motion was made by Scott, 2nd by Rusty to cancel the meeting for August 24, 2024. All in favor; the motion passed.
XI. Adjourn: A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Stephanie, to adjourn at 8:35. All in favor, the motion passed.
Stephanie Craig, Secretary