Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting
March 1, 2022
11:00 am
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 11:00 am.
The Pledge was led by Richard Porter
II. Present: Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Stephanie Craig, Richard Porter, and Hayley England.
Absent: None
Audience: Wayne Weaver, Robert VanSumeren
III. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept the agenda as written. All in favor. The motion passed.
IV. Public Hearing for establishment of industrial development district. Public hearing was opened at 11:05.
V. Public Comment: Robert VanSumeren asks if this meeting is to change the zoning from agricultural to industrial. Richard responds by saying yes, this will change the zoning, and as soon as this project is finished the zoning will revert back to agricultural. Randy explains that by doing this, it gives the solar companies an opportunity for a reduction in taxes at the state level since we are considered a distressed community.
With no other comments or questions, the public hearing was closed at 11:08
VI. Vote on establishing industrial development district pursuant of Public Act 198. A motion was made by Randy, 2nd by Scott to accept resolution 2022-01. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
VII. Adjourn: A motion was made by Hayley, 2nd by Scott to adjourn at 11:10. All in favor; the motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Craig, Secretary