Sheridan Township Board of Trustee’s
Special Meeting
May 13, 2019
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Richard Porter at 12:00 p.m.
Present: Roll call Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick, Shanna Pollman, Brenda Heisler, and Richard Porter.
Absent: None
Audience: Chief Lance Lohrke
Agenda: -Chief Lance Lohrke wanted to bring on Kyle Kleeper as a call back employee from the cadet. A motion was made by Scott Frederick, 2nd by Randy Fisher to bring on Kyle Kleeper. The motion carried.
-Mr. DeConick has asked about a pay increase or he will quit. The other area Townships pay:
Clarence $65.00 flat rate, Marshall minimum of $100.00 and Marengo is quitting their agency at this time.
Supervisor Porter called and asked the Solar Companies of they would have a problem with the increase and they said they would have no problem with the increase.
A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Shanna Pollman and had a discussion pertaining to increasing the Inspectors rate from $55.00 to $65.00 and changing the Fee Schedule to reflect the rate change as well. Roll call vote –Yes – Shanna Pollman, Richard Porter, Scott Frederick, and Randy Fisher. –No – Brenda Heisler. The motion passed.
Any permits purchased before May 14, 2019 will be honored at the old rate of $55.00.
-A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Scott Frederick to shut the Sheridan Township office the week of July 1st – July 7th 2019 and will re-open on Monday July 8, 2019 for the Fourth of July Holiday. The motion carried.
Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn by Randy Fisher, 2ndby Scott Frederick @ 12:55 p.m. The motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Brenda Heisler, Secretary