Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting
December 10, 2020
10:00 am
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 10:00 am.
The pledge was led by Randy Fisher
II. Present: Roll call: Stephanie Craig, Richard Porter, Hayley England, Randy Fisher, Scott Frederick
Absent: None
Audience: None
III. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy 2nd by Scott to accept the agenda as written. All in favor. The motion passed.
IV. Public Comment. None
V. New Business
1. Approve November 17, 2020 Board meeting minutes. It is noted that the “ZDA” in the previous month’s minutes should actually be “ZBA”. A motion was made by Randy 2nd by Scott to approve the meeting minutes for November 17th. All in favor. The motion passed.
2. Discuss/Adopt Emergency Management Ordinance 2020-01. After discussion, this ordinance failed due to the lack of a motion.
3. Approve adding Rick Offerson on Zoning Board of Appeals. A motion was made by Randy 2nd by Scott to approve the addition of Rick Offerson to the Zoning Board of Appeals. All in favor. The motion passed.
4. Approve disbursement of CTCL Grant Funds. There was a discussion of the CTCL Grant and the intended fund disbursement (see packet for details). A motion was made by Randy 2nd by Scott to approve the disbursement of the CTCL grant funds. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
5. Appoint Board of Review members for a 2-year term starting January 1, 2021. Aaron Zick, Harold Badger, Rick Offerson, Tom Shedd (alt). A motion was made by Scott 2nd by Randy to accept the appointment of the board of review members for a 2-year term. All in favor. The motion passed.
VI. Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn by Randy 2nd by Scott at 10:35 am. All in favor. The motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Craig, Secretary