Sheridan Township Board of Trustees Meeting
September 3, 2020
10:00 am
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Richard Porter at 10:00 am.
Pledge: The pledge was led by Randy Fisher
Present: Randy Fisher, Shanna Pollman, Stephanie Craig, and Richard Porter.
Absent: Scott Frederick, excused
Audience: None
II. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Randy Fisher, 2nd by Shanna Pollman to accept the agenda as written. All in favor. The motion passed.
lll. Public Comment. None
lV. New Business
1. Adopt resolution 2020-06 CUP for Orthodox Church. Richard explained the resolution for the Church. The Planning commission has approved the resolution pending the completion of 5 items that had not yet been completed. The information has now been submitted and reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at the last meeting on September 1. A motion was made by Randy Fisher 2nd by Shanna Pollman to adopt Resolution 2020-06 CUP for Orthodox Church. Roll call vote; all in favor. The motion passed.
2. Authorize trash pickup. Mattresses have been dumped on the side of the road. Richard would like to hire Walt Obrinske to do another trash pickup. The quote will be approximately $750. It is suggested that maybe next year we need to have a resident trash drop off day. A motion was made by Randy Fisher 2nd by Shanna Pollman to hire Walt Obrinkse to clean up the trash in Sheridan Township and bill us on a time and material basis. Roll call vote. All in favor, the motion passed.
V. Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn by Randy Fisher 2nd by Shanna Pollman at 10:22. All in favor; the motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Craig